Wednesday, 24 January 2018

A big welcome back to Clevedon School. We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break and got to enjoy the amazing summer we are having! We are very excited to have you all in our class for 2018! Please read through the newsletter below to familiarise yourselves with our class and school routines and important reminders. We are looking forward to getting to know you all as the term progresses.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome to Room 11!  We are very excited about teaching your children this year and getting to know you all.  
Please come into class and introduce yourselves over the next week or two.  Mrs Rachel Ryan will be teaching
the class on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Mrs Jodie Boyle will teach the class on Wednesday, Thursday and
Fridays of each week.  We really enjoy working together and sharing Room 11 and keep each other informed
about the class on a daily basis.

Just a few housekeeping matters to start the year:

Uniform and swimming: Please ensure your child is wearing the correct summer uniform, with everything
named including their hat. At this stage, we are swimming on a Monday, Wednesday and some Thursdays.  
 (Send togs just in case!)

Library: Library issuing will not start until Week 3.  Our Library day is on a Tuesday.

Home Learning:  We will be testing the children over the next few weeks and will be grouping accordingly.
 Home readers will be coming home from Week 3.  Please spend ten minutes reading with your child each
evening and then sign the Reading Journal.   We will be celebrating our ‘Nights Reading’ in class, and the
children all have bees that can fly to a flower once reaching 25 nights of reading!

Once your child has reached a certain reading level, they are given spelling words to learn daily.  They will bring
these home on Monday and are tested the following Monday. These will be a combination of words from the
appropriate essential list and also words they are spelling incorrectly in their writing books.
Ideas for learning spelling words include:
Writing the words backwards.
Practising writing the words on whiteboards/ with chalk/ in sand.
Writing the words into a sentence.
The children are retested on the Essential lists at set times throughout the year, to see if they are ready to move
onto the next level.  We understand that sometimes the words may appear ‘easy’, but often the children are not
relaying their spelling knowledge into their daily writing and therefore practising these words is essential.

We would like all of the children to bring a set of headphones to school please for use on the class devices.

We will be stopping for a brain food snack at around 10am every morning.  Please ensure your child has a
manageable piece of fruit or vegetable to eat.  We encourage the children to have named water filled drinking
bottles in class.
We are always in our class from 8:30am and welcome you to pop in, but please appreciate that once the bell
rings the children need our full attention.  If you could possibly have your child at school by 8:45 (at the latest),
so they have a chance to prepare themselves for the day ahead and to interact with their peers.

We are in the process of updating our class blogs, and these will be linked to the school webpage shortly.

We look forward to getting to know you all.  Please pop in and introduce yourselves or drop us an email if
you have any queries.
Our emails are:

Kind regards

Rachel Ryan and Jodie Boyle