House Spirit Day- Friday 6 April 2018
Please help your children remember to pack these items in their bags on Friday morning. Parents are more than welcome to attend at 1.15pm to watch the parade and skits.
For spirit day if you have the colours for your team please bring to wear on the day.
Blue clothes Kakanireans express your blue brightness.
People in the skit we will have other things for you and we have other accessories for everyone in Kākā house. ( we’ve got you guys)
Everything red and if you don’t have red then black. If you have any red wigs or red accessories (wigs, pom-poms ,hat’s t shirt).
From Joseph and Jessica.
Lots of bold clothes! Show your boldness wearing GREEN! People in the skit, we will talk to you on Monday about what to where. If you have any green wigs or cool green dress up items bring those along to.
-Anika and charlie : )
Express your happiness and excitement for spirit day wearing YELLOW!!! If you do not have any yellow clothes you can also wear orange ONLY IF YOU HAVE NO YELLOW. Main characters in the skit the house leaders will have extra things for you-Katherine and Tate!!
It is not expected that you go and buy or spend a lot of money getting these items.