Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Term Two News

Tuesday 1 May

Dear parents and caregivers

We hope you have all had a relaxing holiday break and the children
have come back to school excited about the term ahead!  
Towards the end of Term One, we welcomed Braxton and his family to our school.
We hope he is enjoying being part of Room 11 and Clevedon School.

We will have a test on the essential word lists in Week Two, so it
would be great if your child could practise the tricky ones in their list,
in preparation for this! Also just a reminder that Home Learning Books and
Reading Folders (Book Bags) need to be at school everyday. The children are
reminded to change their home reader at the start or end of the day.

Our school Fun Run is coming up on Friday, 18th May. The children have
been busy preparing for this and we have been impressed with the character
they are displaying. Thank you to those parents who have registered their
children online already for this event, and if you haven’t yet done so, we
would appreciate it if you could please.

As we head into the winter terms, the children are expected to be in the
correct winter shoes by Week 3 please.

Due to Rachel’s son having his ‘school preparation’ visits every Monday
for the first four weeks of the term, Jodie will be working Mondays, and Rachel
will be working Thursdays. The classroom programme will continue as usual. We
are looking forward to working alongside you all this term. Please do not hesitate
to come in and see one of us if you have any queries.

Kind regards

Jodie and Rachel

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