Thursday, 31 May 2018

Clevedon School
Agriculture Day
Friday September 21, 2018

Hi to all the parents out there:
It is that time of year again to start thinking about which animal you would like to rear this year for Ag Day!
Most parents know all about the day but here is some information on care required for animals in case you would
like to try a change and for all those NEW parents out there.
Calf Club began in the early 1900’s, when nearly every rural school and community in New Zealand drew together,
once a year, to celebrate the special bond which develops between children and young animals.
Today, it’s called Agriculture Day to reflect the fact that fewer children have ready access to farm animals and
are unable to raise a larger animal long term due to space restrictions, and “hectic” schedules. The objective for
the day however remains.  Aside from owning and caring for an animal, ‘Agriculture Day’ is about fostering
human values like motivation, commitment, responsibility and compassion, to stand children in good stead for the
rest of their lives.
Agriculture day is a very special day on the Clevedon School calendar. Not only is it counted as a school day,
it is also a chance for all of the community, past pupils, family and friends to celebrate the efforts of our local children.
Choosing your animal for Agriculture Day
One of the many joys of living in a rural community can be giving our children the opportunity of learning to
love and care for animals.
  • Children can only enter one animal i.e. a calf, a lamb, a kid, chicken or a pet.
  • Raising an animal can be great fun and very rewarding but it is a lot of work and a large commitment
  • and should only be undertaken by those who have sufficient time, appropriate space and genuine care
  • and concern for their animal.
  • Calves initially require two bottle feeds of milk or milk substitute per day. At about 2 weeks you could
  • choose to train your calf to drink from a bucket – this requires skill and patience. You may expect to
  • use approximately 40 kg – 60 kgs of milk powder per calf.  Pellets can be introduced at about 6 weeks
  • and fresh grass and water should always be available. Calves should also have covers.
  • All calves must have a TB and Nait ear tag or papers on the day.
  • Kids and lambs Initially require five or six small feeds a day, then a morning, lunch and evening feed
  • until four to six weeks old, after this two feeds are sufficient supplemented with fresh grass and meal.
  • Lambs and kids are usually fed on milk substitutes e.g. Bay Blenders and will need at least 15 - 20kg of
  • milk powder.
  • You will require bottles and teats for feeding and collars and lead ropes.  Covers can be either home
  • made out of a burlap sack or covers are available at your local farm shop.
·   ALL CALVES, LAMBS, KIDS and CHICKENS- Must be born between 1st June to 27th July 2018
  • Newborn calves, lambs and kids need a warm dry shelter with clean bedding (hay/straw/ shavings).
  • The surest way to a sick newly acquired animal is drafty, damp, cold surroundings. Access to natural
  • sunlight is also necessary as the week’s progress.
  • Within a short period they also require access to grass & room to exercise.
  • Chickens need to be kept warm. To assist with this it is recommended that at least three chicks are
  • raised together.  It is suggested that they are kept under a heat lamp or beside an oil column heater
  • constantly for the first few weeks until strong and feathers have formed.  Chicks eat Chicken Starter Mix
  • and need a continuous supply of fresh water. Orders for chickens can be done through Kindo.
  • These orders will be open in early June. The cost will be $11 per chicken and we anticipate they
  • will arrive at school on approximately 27th July.
·   There are a number of businesses which sell milk powder, calf meal, chicken starter mix etc.  
Our local supplier is Rural supplies in Clevedon otherwise feed supplies can be brought from Profarm in
Papakura, Wrightson, Animals Stuffs in Takanini, RD 1 in Pukekohe or your local vet.
For those who cannot raise a newborn there are two alternatives:
  • Bring along your pet; (dogs & cats excluded), rabbit, fish, guinea pig, bird, frog or lizard. They don’t have to
  • be young animals raised. Your rabbit etc can be a mature animal but not younger than 8 weeks.
·   Every year we have a plant competition. All students not raising an animal or entering a pet are expected to enter
the plant competition. This year it will be designing and growing an upcycled garden. The rubric for this will be posted
online shortly.
So have a think about it and more info will be out soon on the school website.
Kind regards

Ag Day Committee

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